Saturday, August 29, 2009

Contest winner chosen...and new art purchaced!

The winner of my contest was chosen! Congrats Stacy, and your foundation :) I will be working on a painting to be auctioned off soon, so stay tuned!

Also, I thought I would mention that I came across some wicked bunny art today while paroozing (paroozing is a word, right?) around the Portland Saturday Market with my 2-year old wild child.

I came across some AWESOME graphite drawings by John Shepard and just had to get one. Here is is:

Don't you just want to re-program him to hug you??

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

You guessed it! Another contest!

This time around, I am having a contest where the proceeds will benefit the charitable organization of your choice.

All you need to do is run along to my facebook fan page, click on discussion boards, and post your favorite charitable org. If I pick your name on Saturday, your org will get the proceeds from an auctioned painting!

It's for a good cause :)

Saturday, August 15, 2009

New contest! Win some custom temporaty tattoos!

Here's a link to my facebook discussion post. It's a threadkiller, and someone is already 4 hours away from winning! Check it out:

Good luck and I love you.

Oh and here's what the previous winner to the custom painting contest won!

She wanted a manikin from this quoted text in a book, but I took it out of context and gave her an actual mannequin.
"A man, any man, will go considerably out of his way to pick up a silver dollar; but here are golden words, which the wisest men of antiquity have uttered, and whose worth the wise of every succeeding ... Read Moreage have assured us of;-and yet we learned to read only as far as Easy Reading, the primers and class-books, and when we leave school, the "Little Reading" and story books, which are for boys and beginners; and our readings, our conversation and thinking, are all on a very low level, worthy only of pygmies and manikins."

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Custom painting winner announced!

Congrats to Junko who won a 6x6' custom acrylic painting of her choice!

Thanks to all who entered. A photo of the completed painting will be posted here soon, right before it is shipped off to the winner!

If you did not win, or didn't see this contest to enter in time, don't freak out ok? I will be having contests all summer long for random fun prizes. All you need to do is fan me on facebook or follow this blog to get the latest updates.

Here is a link to Pandabunny facebook fan page:

Sunday, July 19, 2009

New giveaway and new painting!

I have a new giveaway going on via my face book page here:

It's easier than madlibs. In fact, it's a lot easier. All you have to do is pick a number between 1-100 and you win a custom painting. Sound easy? Well, it is.

Also here is a new painting I just finished. It's large:

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Madlibs Giveaway!

Become a fan on my facebook page and enter a contest to win a cute pocket mirror!

It's my first ever contest, and it's got a madlibs theme.

Good luck! :)

Monday, June 15, 2009

Help my cousin Luke reach his goal!

My cousin runs like a maniac for the Leukemia and Lymphoma society. So, I am auctioning my newest original painting on ebay to benefit his cause.

You can check out the auction here:

It will be going on for 9 more days, so check it out and help fight blood cancer! :D

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Hooray, I'm a winner!

I have been camping all weekend, so that meant no internets. So when I got home today I was so stoked to see that I had won coma girl design's vegan handmade giviway!

It's a really cute picture of a carrot or a donut, or both. I have no idea which I get, or if I get both, but I don't care because they are both so cute:

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Some art

Looking back, the moment was always right, and the tall trees softly described in bedtime stories was a perfect home for the future me.
Looking forward, the moments seem to mean another springtime of joy and trials.
And if all I can see is clouds outside for months, I will draw a picture of sunshine and mail it to you.

Saturday, May 30, 2009


Guess what? I just joined Vegan Etsy and was featured in one of their treasuries (see mine on the lower-left) called "A World of Color". Yay!

Anyway, I jut thought I would give one person's opinion on some lifestyle choice I persue. And honestly it wasn't until recently that I decided to do it, I had been vegetarian for a while for animals, but I became vegan not long ago for my health. I was eating so much cheese and eggs I had to stop.

I don't think it should really matter what your motivation is, though. I am not a preachy vegan, my husband eats meat and I don't wish to change one single person. I can only be held accountable for my own actions. But that also means we he probably won't be taking me to Outback Steakhouse(tm) for date night.

Honestly tho, I do still love meat. (I kinda feel weird to admit) I just won't eat it anymore. I do miss fried chicken, salmon, bacon, and a few other things that should disgust me by now - I just don't like it enough for some innocent being to suffer any. I don't mean to cause no-one no harm.

Here, just watch this:

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Pocket mirrors!

My pocket mirrors arrived today from Button Arcade and they are so cute! I will not be listing them all at once. I may be giving some away soon for fun. Anyway, here is my first one. I think it looks so adorable that I kept one for myself.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

On work and play

I took a break from work today to read about someone who has managed to figure out how to paint for a living. What surprises me about her work was that some of her paintings are not only risque, but they are straight-up HARDCORE. And they are pretty!

Here's her interview on etsy:

Here is some of her "porny" art:
Pretty, no?

Speaking of success, I got a free haircut today! There was an ad on craigslist for someone to come in and let an apprentice from a new salon in the Pearl district, do whatever they want with my hair. Well, since I have not cut my hair in at least 6 months, I was more than willing to go in and let them chop away. 2 hours later, I was PERFECT. And it was FREE. So, moral of the story is: craigslist+pearl distric+apprentice=free movie star haircut. :)

Also, I sold my 2nd etsy item my awesome cousin! :D

Saturday, May 16, 2009

I found a free paper doll pdf online :)

It's pretty cheesy, sure...but it's free...and it's Minnie Mouse with a box head. Anyway, I had to enter some of my Coke Rewards points into some instant win thingie to get it. I never drink Coke, I just grab the caps. Of coarse I didn't win, the paper doll is the boobie prize. So here, now we can all share the boobie prize: